AB Equinox (Free)

AB Equinox

Aurebesh font created by Fragger MT in 2019.

AB Equinox's heavyweight letters are styled with Lantillian simplicity in mind, utilizing uniform angles and selective intersections to construct a solid display typeface intended for signs, headlines and brands.

Neo-grotesque, single-case, Lantillian-style Aurebesh fontface

Rules for using this typeface:

  1. AB Equinox is forever free of charge.
  2. AB Equinox may be used in any commercial or personal project.
  3. AB Equinox may be modified.
  4. AB Equinox may be redistributed on other websites.
  5. I can force no one to mention my name or the name of the typeface when used. I would appreciate it, though. ;-)
  6. TL;DR: There are no rules. Have fun!

Download (.OTF)
